What is ARI

Alicante Refractiva Internacional (ARI) pretends to offer to the ophthalmologist the newest and up to date in the areas of vision sciences, including clinical optometry, the new technologies and an update of the most current topics in ophthalmology, both clinical and surgical, in the subspecialties of the anterior segment, including Cataract Surgery, Cornea, Refractive Surgery and Glaucoma.

The ARI Encounter is aimed at professionals both in training and already in professional practice who pretend to update their knowledge and get up to date in these areas.
ARI is the extension in dual format of the Course with University Expert Degree at the Miguel Hernandez University, Refractive, Corneal and Cataract Surgery which, with a total of 265 teaching hours in multimedia format and in english, has been imparted for 6 years under the direction of the professor Jorge L. Alió and a distinguished group of Spanish and international collaborators.

This encounter has the official recognition, besides the Miguel Hernandez University, of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS) from the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oftalred (Carlos III Health Institute).